Friday, 22 June 2012

Another stove run

Fired up the stove again a couple of nights ago. Made some tasty, tasty jaffles on it. Mmmm, jaffles.

It took quite some time to melt the cheese, so it's not putting out a great amount of heat. However the main point of this run was to see what happens when the stove is left alone after the burn - in the previous burn I put the char into a sealed container to prevent it from burning. Turns out the char does keep burning as I expected - the next day there was just a tiny bit of char and ash left in the stove.

So I need some way of stopping the combustion ... I guess either cooling it down, or stopping the oxygen getting in. I prefer to not to quench it if possible (makes a bit of a mess), so maybe a sealed lid and some sort of ring to block the holes in the outer tin?

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